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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved?

There are two primary ways you can get involved with Aggie Nations: Host Group Member or Host Group Leader. Host Group Leaders apply and are selected at the end of the spring semester. Host Group Membership is decided at the beginning of the fall semester, however, there are opportunities to join throughout the year based on availability. Please navigate to 'Apply Here' and join our Host Group Member Waitlist if you wish to join after applications are closed!

Host Groups are meant to be a home away from home! If you are interested in leading one of these groups, look for our Host Group Leader application in mid-late Spring! Exec applications will also open in the mid-Spring semester.

Does Aggie Nations have events over Winter or Summer break?

Currently we do not put on any events during breaks, however, we do connect students with opportunities over breaks. This has looked like being hosted by families during Thanksgiving or Christmas. We are working to make this a possibility.

Does Aggie Nations require dues (money) to be a member?

No! Aggie Nations is a completely free involvement at Texas A&M. We even sponsor food or events at our Host Groups! We will never ask for your money. However, if you want to donate or purchase Aggie Nations merch, this helps us keep our organization funded!

Click this link to donate:

Is Aggie Nations a religious organization?

Aggie Nations is a non-religious student organization. Students from any religion or non-religious affiliation are welcome!

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